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There was a very particular style of DDOS attack just now, it was mitigated.
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Facebook Page. filter_list
Facebook Page. #1
Good Day CC's member, and staff.

Hello guys, I searched over the facebook and I didn't find a page for this community, and I decided to make one Tongue

And it is done, and I got a web address for it.
You are feel free to like it, for the staff/admins please like it and tell me your facebook name to make you manger Tongue

Here is the page link : www.fb.com/code.community


Best Regards,


RE: Facebook Page. #2
Well finally it's got the 25 likes you wanted >.<


RE: Facebook Page. #3
Yeah! you know why I was looking for 25 likes? because you do need 25+ likes to get web address Tongue

and my FB Likes bot won't work anymore Tongue and I used it once and it worked, this time it won't Sad


RE: Facebook Page. #4

And why would we even need a FaceBook site ?
It isn't like hackforums got all their members from FaceBook lol.
[Image: tumblr_m4vms28lYu1qj3ir1.gif]


RE: Facebook Page. #5
Thanks for your like Tongue


RE: Facebook Page. #6
Why would we need a Facebook page? This is a website, you can do everything here, and you can't do anything on Facebook. Why needlessly do it?


RE: Facebook Page. #7
Yeah, I know it is needless :L


RE: Facebook Page. #8
I liked it, Kinda obvious who I am. Wink
[Image: xlbdwZT.png]


RE: Facebook Page. #9
I'll be making a good cover photo and a profile picture when I'm done with my laptop :L I'm re-installing my PS.


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