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[FREE] Epic Fast Shell Checker (Beta) filter_list
[FREE] Epic Fast Shell Checker (Beta) #1
Hi guys,
I'd like to introduce my brand new shell checker Smile
It has a nice checking system, can detect almost all kind of shells. If you find any bug report it here or on it's official forum.

It can check near 1k Shells/min, based on your computer, internet speed and on your settings.
AVOID! It will consume REALLY high CPU, RAM and DISK! My i5 laptop was on 100% CPU, 100% DISK and 90%+ RAM when I used 1k Threads settings.

About the 'settings':
You can set how much thread it should use. If youset it really high (200+) there's a chance that it will never reach that amount, however it's a not a problem.

A little help:
After scanning all the shells you will see 2 numbers next to the alive shells:
x (y)
x means the shells alive, however y means the UNIQUE shells alive.

Detection ratio:
The rate is quite high, however it's still not perfect. I'm still updating it, since it's just a beta version.

[Image: Untitled.png]



RE: [FREE] Epic Fast Shell Checker (Beta) #2
Interesting, I will give it a try


RE: [FREE] Epic Fast Shell Checker (Beta) #3
This software is ok, but it's very resource intensive and not as fast as other online ones.


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