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There was a very particular style of DDOS attack just now, it was mitigated.
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F*'******CK [anger thread] filter_list
F*'******CK [anger thread] #1
F*CK!! First our landlord has 84/87 cats shot by a ruffian in public (one of the cats was mine)

see more: (Swedish)

And now he's forbidding MY cat from going outside because "alot" of the residents here are allergic! BS! for starters everybody here is a junkie or a dealer who never goes outside, secondly if you're allergic you're not gonna walk up and f*cking pet him.

The c*nt also turned off the heating to save money.
And he made it so we can only rent one of the four garages due to some communistic crap! >:/

If you're an animal rights activist call 060-52 52 15 and complain Smile


[Image: Electronics-Banner.gif]


RE: F*'******CK [anger thread] #2
Wow, strong argument there. And I'm not saying that I'm agreeing with the landlord, I'm saying that he's a *removed for strong language*.

Well, I hope somebody else sees your thread and is an 'Animal Rights Activist'.
To hack is a skill, but a skill may or may not be to hack.


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