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RE: Ethics within Artificial Intelligence 11-01-2015, 10:27 PM
Aren't there multiple types of AI? The kind that is capable of self-teaching and individual learning along with the type that just basically copies the behaviors of humans. I feel it's kind of weird that humans, who can't even understand themselves, much less each-other are projecting their mindsets and fears upon a machine that does not even exist yet instead of actually putting an coordinated effort into achieving a solution.
Personally speaking, if we could just get an intelligent AI capable of only solo-solving the laws of physics, math and computing for the benefit of mankind then that would already be more than necessary, I doubt there is really a need for "humanoid AI" and at the current moment, as things have always gone, all scientific breakthrough is military first, society second.
Basically speaking, we have no way of predicting what the fuck will happen when we finally succeed in the creation of an AI no matter what kind it is but I don't think scientific progress should halt because of some meager fear people have. Look at nuclear physics, sure, we might all die from nuclear war but when used righteously, it is a source of clean energy world-wide! (Let's ignore the radioactive waste, mining and warmongering for a moment)
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Ethics within Artificial Intelligence 11-03-2015, 07:34 PM
Machine learning is already nearly omnipresent, I don't think I've used a piece of technology from 2010 onward that didn't at least have a small component of machine learning. Perhaps the most visible example is how Siri( and other similar services ) get better at understanding the user through continual use.