For those who stumbled upon this thread and/or are looking for answers to my metamask hack problem here is what I found while surfing the internet
1st :
First of all you have the metamask page about sweeper bots (metamask are bad in assistance they can't do anything and I was surprised to find a quality collection about this problem).
I encourage you to read it carefully
2nd :
There is a program available on github where everything is explained, but to resume their description of the program :
The use case for this multi-transaction setup is to make calls from an account that has a compromised private key. Since transferring in any ETH to this compromised wallet will immediately be swept by bots that monitor that account, transferring in funds will also give any attacker the ability to withdraw tokens that are held by that account.
3rd :
An article where someone describes what to do without the help of a program but where you have to be very quick:
4th :
As a last resort you can call white hats to do this for you, you just need a discord (and some money). This is the option to take if you have a lot of money on your metamask, on their blog they indicate that they don't work if the wallet has less than $1000 on the account
Service available here :
I haven't tried these techniques yet, because it takes a little time and an excellent understanding of what to do to not lose more.
But if you have the same problem as me and you want to try to solve it go ahead!