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Drugs #1

People seem to think that it's awesome, fun and use them to be rebellious.

But is it worth it? Do you really think that going down that road you will accomplish

Why do you do it? Why? You are trowing your life away. This is not an advise thread i'm only trying to understand what do you accomplish by using drugs.

Tell me, be honest to me.

I have used drugs not a road i will go down again.

Why? I have seen everything i loved once slip away, slowly and painfully. This is not joke, you are not only hurting yourself but others around you.

When i was addicted to heroin a few years back i lost everything not only the people i loved, friends, family members but myself. I was empty inside no regards for anyone, only worked for my addiction.

I fell on a extremely deep depression, no lights to guide me out. Nobody by my side, only the supplier cause of the money i gave him. I sounded like someone else, i had no trace of who i once was.

I lost a lot of pounds. I once weighted 160 pounds and now i only weight 115 and i'm 6 foot 2. I was dead inside.

I tried looking for help but it only made me feel worse. I tried to go to church and look for help in religion but it only made me think that i was condemned for all eternity.

I attempted suicide a couple of times but never had the guts to destroy the little piece of life i had. I was weak.

How did i made it out? I never did. I stopped using drugs yes but my life hasn't been the same ever since. I can find positivity on this, i can help others not fall in the hole i was.

You guys have a great life, i had to raise myself. My parents were never there for me. Only to shun and criticize me.

So now you know a little about me. Now i would like to know.

If you have a great life, have everything you want and need why do you use drugs? Because of the rush? Because of the momentary relief you feel? Is it to fit in? Is it to look and feel cool?

Is it to impress people? Are you ashamed of who you really are?

Please tell me.

Disclaimer: Before you troll and say shit that has nothing to do with the thread read this:

This is not for attention, Rep, or dedicated to anybody specifically. Just trying to understand the reasoning behind drug use. I admit i did it because i wanted to fit in with my friends and feel

like a bad-ass. Didn't work.

PS: Before you label me as a liar or a troll think about this: You don't know me. You can't judge somebody you don't know. This is not a lie. This is a bit of myself.

I wanted to post and vent out my feelings so i made a thread.


RE: Drugs #2
Do you consider weed a drug? If so, I use it because it helps with my mental health issues - definitely justified. Glad to hear that you're clean now.


RE: Drugs #3
No this thread was meant for the hard drugs.


RE: Drugs #4
As far as hard drugs I have done coke a few times, but I mainly just smoke weed.


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