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Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God filter_list
Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God #1
In The Name Of Allah
Al-Salam Alekum

I came back to you with another thread, different in many ways. That I hope you take this open-mindedly and answer those questions that may appear in your mind.

The six basic emotions in humans are ( Sadness, Happiness, Fear, Anger, Surprise, and Disgust). Our emotions are the way we express our feelings on daily basis and they are protecting us in many ways each in its unique way especially ( Anger, Fear, and Disgust ). Today, I'm going to discuss Disgust as a protector and savior of humanity in the last few decades they have been working on this part of us excessively to accept what was disgusting before.

Disgust as per theories and definitions is a strong emotion that results in the feeling of being repulsed. Disgust is believed to be a feeling we learn rather than a natural response. But I'm taking it as a natural protective response stronger than fear and anger which can produce a powerful affective and behavioral response.

In the recent month, the feeling of disgust increased among us not as hate and not as anger but as a natural response to what we never used to see. Seeing what the old generation planned caused today's situation of the current and new generations who lost the natural human way of living.

I was going through Discord, and seeing the increase of rainbows icon among those servers I'm in which is mostly about Programming and stuff. As a natural feeling, it was very disgusting to see a beautiful rainbow used as a flag of a group called (LGBTQ+).  This group regardless of whom has problems with their genders which is very very few compared to what we see today. Humans use some kind of drugs and start the process of changing his/her gender.

Just before calling me a caveman, let us look into this in history and see how disgusting it was before then and how naturally we humans reject this.

First of all, according to religious books, I'm here mentions Holly Quran and as I have seen in Bible shared a part of this. The story of Lut, who was a messenger of God sent to a city where men had anal intercourse and described them in this way:
7:81-82 `` You approach men with lust instead of women, No, you are a people who go beyond the limits``
7:84 ``And we let rain fall on them. Look how that was the end of the wrongdoers.``
11:83: ``When our command came, we turned that city upside down and rained layer upon layer of clay on it``

Allah described them as people who have gone beyond all limits and at the end of the story, the city turned upside down with all of them dying a very unfortunate death after Prophet Lut, asked them to return to their natural life for years.

In Europe and worldwide actually, it was first prohibited and a disgusting action to a level that convictions were punishable by death.
In Britain,
  • In 1533 The Buggery Act Completely outlawed sodomy in Britain and convictions were punishable by death.
  • In 1861 Punishable by a minimum of 10 years imprisonment.
  • In 1885 Men's homosexual acts were illegal even in private activities.
  • In 1951 The first transgender going under vaginoplasty surgery in the UK (Roberta Cowell)
  • In 1954 legalized homosexual activities for adults over the of 21 but with heavier penalties against public activities.
  • In the 1950s and 1960s Homosexuals went under psychological treatment and according to APA in DSM-II homosexuality is listed as a mental disorder.
  • In 1967 decriminalized private homosexual acts between men aged over 21.
  • In 1994 Lowered the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 18, and in 2001 it was further lowered(tried to lower) to 16 (What a joke?).

As we see in history and disgusting our powerful natural response to this case decreased over time due to the overall and daily exposure to them and making it easier step by step by media and its supporters. Not even that, they are forcing you to participate and even enjoy their activities such a small example is Discord servers and let us forget all those international and huge companies who made changes to their logo's background to a rainbow.
According to recent researches, there isn't a single gene for cases like ( LGBTQ+) so it is not in our genes like we have been told for years, and rather than being environmental and external factors leading us to accept this and changing our form into a new one which is (LGBTQ+).

Let us forget all about this now, recently we see a global rise in the number of teenagers seeking to go through gender reassignment (Shocked?). Do you know that these groups didn't stop only affecting us, adults? Now, it is time to affect our kids and youth. Legally now, puberty blockers are being used to delay the onset of puberty as the first step in the process of transitioning.
Susan Evans, a former employee at Britain's leading gender identity clinic argues that children are being put at risk and these blockers are nothing more than experimental drugs.
The next stage is hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen when the child in most countries reach 16 or 18 and the final stage would be Gender Reassignment Surgery.

Let us take example countries allowing these blockers and at what age?
  • Brazil ( Hormone Therapy at age 16 )
  • Canada court ruled against a father who had sought to stop his 15 years old girl to become male??? ( Blockers age 10 girls and age 11 boys )
  • Malta (Hormone therapy age 16)
  • Britain available for those under 18

This is disgusting, what do children understand about genders and their future life to go under all these external and environmental effects leading them to think about changing his/her gender? Isn't this a mental disorder rather than equality or freedom?

This reminds me again of this verse in Quran ( No, you are a people who go beyond the limits ). You as parents even now don't have the right to tell your, son or daughter, what are their genders (Isn't it disgusting?). That is the way the power of disgust had been corrupted and killed it to achieve what we see today.

Die  But Don't Lie
“Oh Abu Dharr! Don’t look at the smallness of the sin but look at the one you disobeyed.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
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RE: Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God #2
Disregarding the religious implications, it's definitely concerning how young they're allowing people to receive hormone therapy. The average person's brain isn't fully developed until their mid-20s, which is long after they've hit puberty. There's the potential to cause irreversible damage and someone under 16 might not have the cognitive ability to consider the consequences.

There's been cases of people getting hormone therapy and later regretting it. On the flip side there are people that are going to do it no matter what. For those people, it's better to do it early and under the supervision of a doctor.
[Image: fSEZXPs.png]


RE: Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God #3
(07-25-2022, 07:21 PM)Dismas Wrote: Disregarding the religious implications, it's definitely concerning how young they're allowing people to receive hormone therapy.  The average person's brain isn't fully developed until their mid-20s, which is long after they've hit puberty. There's the potential to cause irreversible damage and someone under 16 might not have the cognitive ability to consider the consequences.

There's been cases of people getting hormone therapy and later regretting it. On the flip side there are people that are going to do it no matter what. For those people, it's better to do it early and under the supervision of a doctor.

it just unbelievably how dangerous kids are being targeted and manipulated by Media/TV/Games everything which has or give a kid access to outside world. I mentioned this before but let us post it here..

Lately, Disney decided to bring more Homosexual characters into its movies and animations:
Quote:I’m here as a mother of two queer children, actually,” Burke said on the call. “One transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader.

Burke said she supports featuring “many, many” characters who are LGBTQIA, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning), intersex, and asexual (or allies).

Not only this, Kids are no longer safe playing online games because they are being targeted by LGBTQ+ ads to make these things more enjoyable and easier on them.. For real, Kids are just like a white paper and it will act naturally. This video is a story of a parent.. Leaving it to you:

Finally, there is a movement against all these disgusting acts called ( Fetrah ), The word means in Arabic "Primitiveness" , as we all know that the normal human is either Male or female. This movement on Facebook and Instagram.. its official account had been blocked and its supporter content had been deleted completely. Funny how, freedom of speech is just a big lie even on social media accounts.
Die  But Don't Lie
“Oh Abu Dharr! Don’t look at the smallness of the sin but look at the one you disobeyed.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
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RE: Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God #4
(Sorry for the long-ass post)

For some people, including one of my close friends, getting access to HRT at a young age was important to prevent bodily changes that are irreversible (aka development of male features) which could only be changed with extreme surgeries, which can only reduce the appearance of male features and not eliminate them. People who regret treatments are a very tiny percentage of those who go through them. However, it shows that more studies/knowledge/trained doctors are needed in this field.

There's a reason Transexuals have the highest suicide rate, and I don't think preventing people from accessing care is the way to reduce that number. What would be really useful, is to encourage more scientific study, so people get the correct care. That does not mean HRT or surgeries for kids, it means proper CARE. For example, referrals to psychologists, information sharing, coping methods, and accurate diagnosis.

People are freaking out over giving kids hormones... But I'd like to point out that they've been doing this for decades. It's called contraception and girls may take it from the point of their first period, normally between 9-13 years of age. While that isn't the same as HRT, it does have similar impacts. Doctor's should be warning people about the risks they are taking for any kind of treatment, whether it be mental, hormonal, surgeries or drugs. Again, more training for doctors and scientific study required.

Kurdy, you mention disgust as means to validate the rejection of the LGBT+ community, although you talk about it mostly in relation to Transgender individuals (keep in mind, that group covers a massive variety of people). It is my opinion that the historical and religious text examples are somewhat invalid in today's world. One of the reasons I say this, is because that would set a precedent to make it acceptable to take back the rights for women to vote, and they would again legally become "property" rather than individuals in their own right. A lot of history infringes upon my rights as a female. I am not angry about it, as that is just what happened in the past. I don't think the past is a good indication for how we should act about something today. I think there is a good reason many countries have changed laws around LGBT+ communities, as much as I think there is a good reason they changed laws around women's rights.

Personal/religious beliefs may tell you it's wrong. However, that's the choice of the people who are in same sex relationships. You can still follow your beliefs, but the LGBT+ advocates are asking people not to condemn or hurt them for not agreeing with those beliefs. Their souls are their responsibility. (Ofc, Kurdy you are very respectable and hold your beliefs without hurting anyone).

Personally, I think it's important that people are able to pursue happiness and love in whatever form that takes. However, I'm from the UK and have been raised to find these relationships quite normal.

Quote:This is disgusting, what do children understand about genders and their future life to go under all these external and environmental effects leading them to think about changing his/her gender?
I can't speak for all nations, but we actually had quite thorough education in my schools on this exact topic. We had many hours of lessons on the impact of the human body, and discussions about various moral viewpoints. Mostly we studied the science behind it - both as a mental disorder (as WHO called it at the time) and the various treatments, and their impacts on patients.

I do agree that a lot of the treatments are experimental, or are very limited. If the average GP was trained, in at least HRT and other less specialist treatments, people would be less likely to self-medicate (which is so dangerous and extremely common as people don't have access to care). With the lack of scientific knowledge and trained doctors, the problem is only getting worse. People are put under enormous financial strain trying to get help, which again, perpetuates the mental health risks.

I've learned about transexual and gay people since I was able to walk and talk. I once accidentally ended up at a gay pride parade. I don't believe seeing the flag, or being exposed to it is making people gay. If that was true, why am I not lesbian/bi or transgender? However, it does seem to have become "trendy". That worries me, but it will pass, as all trends do. I also know bisexual people who do not like gay pride celebrations or flags.


RE: Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God #5
Thanks @"Boudica", For you reply.. it is my pleasure to see you here.

At some-point, I agree with you and I feel somewhat confusion or misunderstanding. I do differentiate between  those who have real and serious problem with their gender from those who are just mentally sick and under influence of their environment. That is why I mentioned this at start:
Quote:This group regardless of whom has problems with their genders which is very very few compared to what we see today.
These people should really take care and go under accurate diagnose and treatment for sure. More accurate who we call "hermaphrodite".

What we see today is a rise of unbelievable mentally sick people who really want to get attention. Their only way to achieve this by getting to know differently. I'm sure, you also noticed this question trending online (What is your pronounce?) In ten years from now you suppose to ask how to ask and what pronounce to use for each person  Notamused

Quote:It is my opinion that the historical and religious text examples are somewhat invalid in today's world. One of the reasons I say this, is because that would set a precedent to make it acceptable to take back the rights for women to vote, and they would again legally become "property" rather than individuals in their own right.
I'm not sure about Women right in other religions actually but here I do disagree if we search for Women Right in "Islam". Which is something not relevant to your region but still I want to mention.  Early 600s, if the born baby were a girl. His father had to buried her alive or live as a coward for the rest of his life. This had been changed. Not to forget, a chapter of Quran is called (Al-Nisa), Nisa is an Arabic word which means "Women".
Quote:Religious scholars largely agree that at the onset of Islam in the early 600s CE, the Prophet Muhammed expanded women's rights to include inheritance, property and marriage rights. It was a revolutionary move at a moment when women held few, if any, rights.
Verses supporting what I'm saying:
  • Surah Al-Takwir 8-9. And the girl, buried alive, is asked: For what crime was she killed?
  • Surah Al-Nahl: When good news of the birth of a female is given to any of them, his face grows dark and inwardly he chokes. (58) Because of the evil of the good news he hides himself from people, (pondering) whether he will keep her and be humiliated, or trample her into the dust. Evil is their judgement! (59)
  • Surah Al-Nisa: Men shall have a share in what their parents and kinsmen leave, and women shall have a share in what their parents and kinsmen leave, whether it is little or abundant, it is an obligated share. (7)

Note: In Islam, women rights had been explained very well. If someone wants to know more about it. You are free to give it a google search.

Quote:However, I'm from the UK and have been raised to find these relationships quite normal.
This is what I'm calling exposure to it make it easy or seems normal. I mentioned history of "gay" in UK and reaction of people and laws. But sadly changed over time.

Quote:I've learned about transexual and gay people since I was able to walk and talk. I once accidentally ended up at a gay pride parade. I don't believe seeing the flag, or being exposed to it is making people gay. If that was true, why am I not lesbian/bi or transgender? However, it does seem to have become "trendy". That worries me, but it will pass, as all trends do. I also know bisexual people who do not like gay pride celebrations or flags.
I know you are an educated person and exceptional Boudica and I'm sure, you are aware of influence of Media on educating and guiding other to believe in things that doesn't exist even.  This may help explain Environmental factors (Media as an example) No ‘gay gene’: Massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexuality . If it is not a genetic and they have right to do what ever they wanted to. Then again we should really give right to those whom are pedophilia as well. Because both are behavioral and mental issue. OF course, if we talk about children rights here that any type of sex connection with children under 18 considered pedophilia as they can be abused then again children can be abused mentally to change their gender and believe in non-sense.

Last not least,  I want to mention something else which increased recently under this title "IF you are not able to do it as a man, do it as a woman" What?!! . Sometime achieving a Medal or a champion is impossible inside men competitions but we see nowadays whom failed it as a man, now trying the same sport inside women and wining as transgenders. This is a very few examples of how fake and unnatural is this group. I will mention names of those transgenders later on.
Die  But Don't Lie
“Oh Abu Dharr! Don’t look at the smallness of the sin but look at the one you disobeyed.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
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RE: Disgust the savior of human beings and a gift from God #6
(08-02-2022, 11:23 AM)Mr.Kurd Wrote: At some-point, I agree with you and I feel somewhat confusion or misunderstanding. I do differentiate between those who have real and serious problem with their gender from those who are just mentally sick and under influence of their environment.

I agree with this concept. This is why I drew attention to the importance of science, or the current lack of scientific understanding of the mental side of these issues, as opposed to physical issues. For example, a hermaphrodite is a totally different thing from someone suffering from gender dysphoria. These are not comparable, as they are different conditions and do not exhibit the same symptoms. However, there is a massive lack of scientific understanding of gender dysphoria for the regular GP, and treatment and real research is very limited to a set of specialists, rather than everyday doctors. This means people are receiving the wrong kind of treatment, at the wrong stage in their lives. The more doctors know, the better people's lives will be.

Once the science makes sense, the social media will hopefully conform in due time. The lack of science means social media can get away with doing what it wants. Marketing companies are also abusing these issues to sell products.

(08-02-2022, 11:23 AM)Mr.Kurd Wrote: I'm not sure about Women right in other religions actually but here I do disagree if we search for Women Right in "Islam". Which is something not relevant to your region but still I want to mention. Early 600s, if the born baby were a girl. His father had to buried her alive or live as a coward for the rest of his life. This had been changed. Not to forget, a chapter of Quran is called (Al-Nisa), Nisa is an Arabic word which means "Women".

Forgive me, I was not referring to Islam in my post, but actually other religions (like Christianity). I learned in school religious education classes that Islam's understanding of women was very different from western religions. However, you're right - It would do me no harm to learn more. However, there is always the issue of interpretation as well. I don't think religion itself is the cause of women's oppression in history, but religion was used as a tool and excuse for it. I speak in very broad terms here, and this does not apply to all religious teaching and applications/interpretations.

(08-02-2022, 11:23 AM)Mr.Kurd Wrote: In Europe and worldwide actually, it was first prohibited and a disgusting action to a level that convictions were punishable by death.
In Britain,
In 1533 The Buggery Act Completely outlawed sodomy in Britain and convictions were punishable by death.
In 1861 Punishable by a minimum of 10 years imprisonment.
In 1885 Men's homosexual acts were illegal even in private activities.
In 1951 The first transgender going under vaginoplasty surgery in the UK (Roberta Cowell)
In 1954 legalized homosexual activities for adults over the of 21 but with heavier penalties against public activities.
In the 1950s and 1960s Homosexuals went under psychological treatment and according to APA in DSM-II homosexuality is listed as a mental disorder.
In 1967 decriminalized private homosexual acts between men aged over 21.
In 1994 Lowered the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 18, and in 2001 it was further lowered(tried to lower) to 16 (What a joke?).
Forgive me, I don't quite understand what you're point is with these? The legal age was changed to 16, because that the legal age of consent for EVERYONE, not just homosexuals. One of the reason's it's so important to make it legal, is because making illegal does not stop people from being gay. It means that homosexual people have to hide it, and lead much unhealthier lifestyles, and they are unable to seek help. The other side of it, is some of the harm caused to people over homosexuality. One famous case in Britain, is the impact it had on Alan Turing. Turing is world famous for his contributions to computer science (and WWI). However, after discovery of his homosexuality, he was convicted and forced to undergo what is commonly known as "chemical castration" which was considered a "treatment" for homosexuality. The result of this? He committed suicide. I would argue this is an example of why making it illegal is not the solution, should your personal beliefs be that homosexuality is a negative thing.

Personally, I come from a typical young British viewpoint, where I see nothing wrong with homosexuality at all, though I am heterosexual myself. My belief is that Britain's laws of the past (making homosexuality illegal) led to far more harm (suicides, unhappy lives) than social media and marketing does now. However, that does not mean I agree with what's happening now.


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