I'm not the best with these kinds of problems, but I do have my own site and I thought it might be useful for a few of you to hear my tip out. In the beginning when I had the idea to start a site I wanted to do everything myself and to be this multi-functional human being that could do anything and everything. Of course, a lot of you may realize from now that that's a really undoable thing and even if I could have managed to do everything myself, what quality would have that site been? Keep in mind that my actual field of study has nothing to do with this. I somehow came across this company
https://www.webyours.nl that seemed to offer exactly the kind of services I was looking for and even more that I didn't even know what meant at the time, but would turn out to be useful, haha. The tip I'm trying to share is to look at externalising services from your business, it's how the future works.