(11-09-2020, 04:21 PM)Colin44 Wrote: What are the best ways to deal with depression? Are there any new ways to beat it?
Beating depression looks different for every individual but there are certain steps you can take to help overcome it. I was diagnosed with severe depression years ago, a lot of that had to do with the ridiculous amount of drugs and alcohol I was pumping into my system on a daily basis and the lifestyle that comes with it.
The things that helped me the most were therapy, exercise, changing my diet, and reconnecting to things I'm passionate about.
Therapy was the first step I took years ago. I was against it for a long time but being able to talk to someone in confidence that isn't a friend or family is huge. I was able to get so much off of my chest and took the advice my therapist gave me. Overall, it had a lot to do with getting things out that I had bottled up for years.
Exercise and diet go hand in hand. This is something I'm still trying to do better every day as it's very hard to get into the groove if you're not already active. It is so worth it though. There are many studies that prove that being active whether through aerobics, weight lifting, sports, etc... have incredible benefits on the body and mind. When your body feels good, your mind feels good too. I started off with light walks around my neighborhood and local high school track. It was all I could do but it was better than nothing. I kept the walks up for months. I started with setting a goal of walking one mile a day and getting the fresh air that comes with it. I then slowly worked my way up to two miles, three miles, and more. From there I began jumping rope and getting serious about my cardiovascular health (I had really high blood pressure, and other issues due to a sedentary lifestyle + alcohol). I then finally had the courage to step into a gym and begin lifting weights. I fell in love with it, and now I mix it up between weights, jump roping, and trail runs on the weekend.
Diet is different for everyone but my biggest piece of advice is to start focusing on whole foods. By this I mean, stop eating so much processed food, the stuff that comes pre packaged in boxes, fast food, stuff like that. We all have busy lives and it's tough to find time to cook your own meals, which is why meal prepping is so important. Take some time one or two days out of your week and prep your meals. I cook batches of chicken, veggies, cut up fruit and portion my meals so when I'm in the nitty gritty of my week between school and working a full time job, my food is already ready. I just microwave it up and boom, good to go.
Lastly, reconnecting to something your passionate about. What are your hobbies? I've always been obsessed with playing guitar and other instruments but neglected it for a very long time due to depression. I just couldn't get myself to even play my guitar for more than a few minutes at a time before putting it down. I had to dig deep and think about things I enjoyed in life. Think back to your childhood, what did you enjoy more than anything else? For me it was computers and guitar. I had been working in an industry I loathed for a decade and decided to change that. I knew I loved working with computers so I decided to go to college and pursue a degree, which is what I'm still doing right now. This has opened up new paths and goals in my life which has lessened the depression. Having goals and hobbies can be very beneficial. On the side when I have the time (which isn't much) I focus on my hobbies like playing guitar which includes actively learning new songs that challenge myself as a musician. I am also in the early stages of writing and producing an EP which has been a goal of mine since I was a teenager.
These are all examples of what has worked for me, but again, it's going to be different for everyone. I wish you and everyone the best who is struggling with depression. I know how damn hard it is to climb out of that abyss. Force yourself to do small things like taking a walk, eating a bit healthier by throwing in some veggies into your meals and things of that nature. You can do this, never ever give up!