Depression 10-22-2013, 02:39 AM
We all know what depression is, or at least we should of heard of it. Each individual will have a different understanding of 'depression', for some people it will be the thing that has ruined their life, for others it may be 'that thing that guy/girl suffer s from'. This thread has not been created to cry for attention from myself, nor has it been created for people to seek sympathy from. I have created this SERIOUS thread for fellow users to discuss their experience with depression and their understanding of it.
About Me:
First of all, I shall start of with myself. So as previously stated this is not me attention seeking, just sharing my experience and views with other members of Sinisterly. I have not been diagnosed depressed. I haven't even seen a doctor on the matter. But, by the select range of people I have told about my feeling they have mentioned I may suffer from: depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and other various mental illnesses. For the last year or so I have been losing site of goals, slipping into the 'no fucks given' state of mind which is not good. I am alone and isolated, I know that no-one cares about me nor they want to. As I start to finish school it gets even worse. I go into a helpless, trance-like state which I cannot escape, where sounds are sounds, and smells are smells, I do not process anything anymore.
The Real Depression:
Depression is define as "Severe, typically prolonged, feelings of despondency and dejection." Now this can be true, but also will vary from different individuals. People will be affected differently, and people will be motivated and 'cured' by different causes. I can only be 'happy' when I'm around people, when alone I fall into my own pit of depression. Are you similar? Or do you know someone like this?
Personalized Depression:
There are various online tests you may take to 'self-diagnose' yourself. Here is one. I do not suggest you rely on these tests and that you go see a true professional if you find yourself becoming depressed. I know some people are blind to depression, some people are well aware of it, and others can only see it within their selves. So my question to you Sinisterly, is, are you depressed? Do you know of anyone with depression? What are your experiences with mental health?
We all know what depression is, or at least we should of heard of it. Each individual will have a different understanding of 'depression', for some people it will be the thing that has ruined their life, for others it may be 'that thing that guy/girl suffer s from'. This thread has not been created to cry for attention from myself, nor has it been created for people to seek sympathy from. I have created this SERIOUS thread for fellow users to discuss their experience with depression and their understanding of it.
About Me:
First of all, I shall start of with myself. So as previously stated this is not me attention seeking, just sharing my experience and views with other members of Sinisterly. I have not been diagnosed depressed. I haven't even seen a doctor on the matter. But, by the select range of people I have told about my feeling they have mentioned I may suffer from: depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and other various mental illnesses. For the last year or so I have been losing site of goals, slipping into the 'no fucks given' state of mind which is not good. I am alone and isolated, I know that no-one cares about me nor they want to. As I start to finish school it gets even worse. I go into a helpless, trance-like state which I cannot escape, where sounds are sounds, and smells are smells, I do not process anything anymore.
The Real Depression:
Depression is define as "Severe, typically prolonged, feelings of despondency and dejection." Now this can be true, but also will vary from different individuals. People will be affected differently, and people will be motivated and 'cured' by different causes. I can only be 'happy' when I'm around people, when alone I fall into my own pit of depression. Are you similar? Or do you know someone like this?
Personalized Depression:
There are various online tests you may take to 'self-diagnose' yourself. Here is one. I do not suggest you rely on these tests and that you go see a true professional if you find yourself becoming depressed. I know some people are blind to depression, some people are well aware of it, and others can only see it within their selves. So my question to you Sinisterly, is, are you depressed? Do you know of anyone with depression? What are your experiences with mental health?