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Carderprofit.cc Bust filter_list
RE: Carderprofit.cc Bust #21
(10-09-2012, 04:09 PM)zer0 Wrote: When i became a moderator on CarderProfit i noticed a folder called Hidden, that only administrators and mods were able to see. When i looked closer into the folder it contained evidence that was from over two years ago up to todays date. It was old threads and posts that the owner requested deleted, but the admin only moved it to the hidden folder so that it made everyone think it was deleted. When i saw this i asked him why he didnt delete it because it was a ton of evidence. He responded that he kept all of that cuz if someone got scammed, he could go back in deleted logs to get information about the selected case at a later state, i found this pretty much wierd, so i intructed him to delete it because my delete function as a moderator was removed. He said it was hard to delete it all and not possible and i respoded to him that im not stupid, i know how a god damn forum works and that it had been modified by him or others to be like this. I then wrote a LONG thread on CP about this case and requested myself banned, when the other people saw this they all requested a ban, and the whole forum left and died, 3 months later they ran their takedown on us. From my point of view they wouldve ran this operation alot longer if it wasnt for that i killed their forum.

As a mod i couldnt view IP's but i knew that they kept ip's becuase they kept on banning "Clone accounts" which would be very hard to do if they didnt log ips. I also mentioned this over several occations but they denied that they logged it and only responded that when they banned close accounts they only did it with looking at the persons threads and compared it with other threads (compared their writing style) which is hihgly unlikely!

They also tried to get people back on the site by giving people VIP status if they helped bring back the lost people. But at this point the forum was already doomed.

I see, thanks for sharing that with me. I was recently scared because I had a Chevy Suburban parked in front of my house for a little bit, so I decided I'm never going to rush into anything. What did you do when you were banned from the computer? My life is pretty much PC, I heard someone took up knitting because they were so bored.
[Image: V8OSA.gif]


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