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C4D - Glass material filter_list
C4D - Glass material #1
The glass effect in Cinema 4D

Hello people, I'm going to show you how to create a texture that will resemble glass when it's done.

[Image: sa_wide_separator.png]

Step 1 - New material
Create a new material, now this can be done in three ways, either one works. So in the material section, do either of these:
  • Double click
  • File -> New Material
  • CTRL+N
[Image: y4aEV5f.png]

[Image: sa_wide_separator.png]

Step 2 - Getting started
Now, double click the material you just created to pop open the properties-menu of the material.

The menu looks something like this:
[Image: LBqkkpT.png]

First of, I'd like to point out that you don't have to touch the color when making the glass effect, what we want is transparency, so go ahead and click that. Make sure you've checked it as well, and not just marked it, like so:
[Image: v2JrUa7.png]

[Image: sa_wide_separator.png]

Step 3 - Transparency
On the transparency settings, go ahead and turn down the "Brightness" of it, to 95%, like so:
[Image: NMNNgc0.png]

Now it's transparent, but it's still not quite glass, it's just a transparent gray block. So to get the glass effect, go ahead and change the "Refraction" of the transparency to 1.2, like so:
[Image: gHOKMnW.png]

Now it's really starting to look like glass, if you take a look at the preview of the material, in the top/left corner of the Material Editor:
[Image: sKmmF49.png]

[Image: sa_wide_separator.png]

Step 4 - Reflection
Go ahead and check and mark the "Reflection" tab on the list of properties.

Now on this page, go ahead and change "Texture" to "Fresnel" in the drop-down menu, it can be tricky to spot because it's so small, but it looks something like this:
[Image: 1gn41ak.png]

Now that we've got the Texture part, go ahead and change "Brightness" and "Mix Strength" to 60%. Just to make it perfectly clear, I want you to change both the "Brightness" and the "Mix Strength" properties to 60%, like on these pictures:
[Image: 4GiYank.png]
[Image: 8By9Bps.png]

[Image: sa_wide_separator.png]

Step 5 - Specular
Now we can move on to "Specular", our final touchup for the glass effect. Again, make sure it's checked and marked:
[Image: gEmYyjB.png]

There are many things that we'll need to change in the "Specular" menu, so I'll just go ahead and post a picture of what your settings should look like. So here it is:
[Image: jItUXTg.png]

As you can probably see, we changed "Width", "Height" and "Inner Width".

[Image: sa_wide_separator.png]

Final result
You are done, you should now have a realistic glass effect. Just to show what this could look like, I'll make a quick picture featuring the new material we created:
[Image: ibaK2uE47GRfKi.png]


RE: C4D - Glass material #2
Not going to lie, that looks pretty sick.

Thanks for the tut, SQL.
[Image: tenor.gif]

🍫  🍬 🎀


RE: C4D - Glass material #3
Good job, nice to see someone making tutorials around here.


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