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Bypass Cloudflare filter_list
Bypass Cloudflare #1
Work 90%

ping -c 1 www.site.com

nmap -sS -sV -v -P0 www.site.com

cd /pentest/enumeration/dns/fierce/



perl fierce.pl -dns www.site.com


RE: Bypass Cloudflare #2
Are we supposed to google the fierce.pl perl script or something? why wouldnt you provide it or a link to it here?

And i did just that, google it that is... and it doesnt seem to do anything that you cant already do with the likes of dig or nslookup or any of the cloudflare specific enumeration tools already available.

But there are some other things the script can do that others might find more useful. Check out its homepage at http://ha.ckers.org/fierce/


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