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Bronze [WHO] [HQ] Hackers vs Crackers .. PT1 filter_list
[WHO] [HQ] Hackers vs Crackers .. PT1 #1
Hackers can be classified into several types based on their motives, goals, and methods of work. Among the common types:

Ethical Hacker or White Hat Hacker:

A person who uses his technical skills and tools to test and improve security and protection in systems, programs and networks. He usually works as a security consultant or security researcher for institutions, companies and governments, and works to discover security gaps and provide recommendations and solutions to bridge these gaps.

Black Hat Hacker:

A person who uses his skills and technical tools to cause damage to systems, programs, and networks, usually with the aim of obtaining confidential information, money, or causing sabotage and disruption.

The anonymous hacker (Grey Hat Hacker):
A person who illegally uses his technical skills and tools to gain access to systems, programs and networks, but does not necessarily aim to harm or steal, and often discloses the security holes he finds to help companies and organizations improve their security.

Honest Hacker (Hacktivist) or Social Hacker:
A person who uses his technical skills and tools to carry out social or political activist activities, often aiming to fight for freedom, social justice, anti-corruption and other social and political issues.

It is another classification of hackers, but it is not as common as the previous four types. Here is a brief explanation of each:
Blue Hat, Green Hat, and Red Hat are considered

Blue Hat Hacker:
A person who works in the field of information technology and uses his skills and experience to experiment with software products and systems and works to test and improve their security.
Telegram : @xF0rGeT

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