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BT5 #1
Hey guys, I have BackTrack5, but I dont really know what else to do with it. I know that it has a lot of tools, but i dont know how to use them (or i should say on what or what to use) I need a good push to start moving. What do you guys think that I should do? I can do basically anything on this network as it is my own, so I am thinking of just starting on sniffing or something like that. But let me know! Smile


RE: BT5 #2
Hey, have you watched infinityexist and other videos in backtrack tutorial pack? There are some stuff about bt, like network sniffing, something about wpe, metasploit, evilgrade and some other stuff. Watched it like 2 years ago, so can't recall it exactly, but I some vids can be interesting if you haven't seen it yet. Check it on thepiratebay, or isohunt, saw it there not so long ago, when was looking for something new from offensive security.


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