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[BT5] E-mail Harvesting filter_list
[BT5] E-mail Harvesting #1
Hello, HackCommunity!

I decided to share a simple, but yet functional method with you guys.
All you need is metasploit(the operating system is not of importance.)

This is a way to harvest e-mails from certain domains, that subsequently can be used for spamming, social engineering and whatnot.

1. Make sure your terminal is open.

[Image: O8gWM49.jpg]

2. Your version of BackTrack is necessary here. If you are using the newest version(R3), type the following:

[Image: B9eMi9l.png]

3. Now type "msfconsole", and allow it to load metasploit(can take a couple seconds):

[Image: mQ2Sjlx.png]

4. Enter "use auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector", and this should appear on your screen:

[Image: ku6QZJU.png]

5. Now specify your target, by typing this: "set domain (target)" - like this:

[Image: La9meA4.png]

6. Simply type "run", and it should start listing all the e-mails of the domain.

[Image: NRSCvZU.png]

These can be used however you like. In this example, we found "billing@ng-gaming.net", which is actually their paypal e-mail, therefore this is a possible threat to any website Administrator, because there's myriad of ways to hi-jack an e-mail.

Have fun.


RE: [BT5] E-mail Harvesting #2
Nice tutorial I've always used the harvester for this I assume it works in the same way?


RE: [BT5] E-mail Harvesting #3
(01-29-2013, 04:47 PM)chmod Wrote: Nice tutorial I've always used the harvester for this I assume it works in the same way?

Pretty much.

I thought it'd be good to share an alternative way of doing it.


RE: [BT5] E-mail Harvesting #4
Yeah it looks good to be honest I will definitely give it a try


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