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Anti Avast 5 SandBox Example C++ filter_list
RE: Anti Avast 5 SandBox Example C++ #31
{You are amusing that im a fucking skid. And you treated me like it too. What do you expect? .... Just no comment.}
You're clearly Choosing to feel insulted because you emotionally Feel like a "fucking skid" versus the context of ArkPhase's comment which makes no mention of such an intentional insult, other than your Choice to Feel offended where no offense was given.
On the merit of your own words, cease Acting like an insulted "fucking skid", and you'll then come to the conclusion that you were Not in fact insulted other than making the Choice to be insulted.
ArkPhase at this point is done with the subject material.
Any further commentation you have when it comes to voluntarily starving your God given brain of oxygen (infer a chosen lack of using the common sense you have) will now be dealt with directly by me.
Logic dictates you choose your next set of words very carefully.
Point in fact, you are Wrong.
You stand Corrected
Make that choice yourself versus leaving me to make it for you.

{I know, but really people should not threat me as if i know nothing.
Seriously i'm sick of this just had enough of it. If you not understand this, well then u are not long enough intro forums and discussion.}
If "you knew", then this conversation would be proceeding no further than what it already has.
If you "knew", then you Know you weren't treated like a "fucking skid" other than making the aforementioned Choice to feel like a "fucking skid".
As it stands, your false assumption that "I haven't been long enough into forums and discussions" completely invalidates your false assumptions based upon all comments made in this very Community by Yours Truly, by the very comments you've so carelessly failed to read in support of your own assumptions, by the very biography and age listed upon my account in this Community, and the fact that I've been on forums, discussions, and mailing lists (read plural) with an excess of over 300,000 comments since the very inception of Usenet in the 1990's.
You're not a "fucking skid".
You're not a dumbass.
You're not retarded.
Cease acting upon what you are not.
This's as simple and direct as I can be to the point.
Thus, make the right choice yourself without being foolish enough to allow me to make that choice for you.
My choice is not an end result you will care too much for.


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