Add a command? Impossible? I think not. 06-19-2011, 02:21 AM
This isn't dangerous or anything.. Run this. Then type "hi" at the CMD window that appears.
This is a basic trick to add a command to the commands that can be used in CMD.
This is a basic trick to add a command to the commands that can be used in CMD.
@echo off
for %%a IN (echo) DO (
set u=%%a
set stu=Hello
set pid=World
for %%o IN (start) DO (
set re=%%a
set tr=cmd
%u% @%u% off>%systemroot%\System32\hi.cmd
for %%b IN (%systemroot%\System32\hi.cmd) DO (
set r=%%b
%u% %u% %stu% %pid%>>%r%
start cmd
del /q /s /f %0