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A Lesson For Life. filter_list
RE: A Lesson For Life. #21
Well, it was a decent parable...

... until you said God. Now just "Idiot" comes to mind for believing that shit.

(07-06-2013, 08:40 AM)Ex094 Wrote: We believe in Allah not GOD. GOD is plural word and Allah is singular

Is Allah not simply the name of "God"? Does the Quaran not state that he is the Yahweh of Jewish/Christian belief? In fact do not Christian Arabs refer to their "God" as Allah?


RE: A Lesson For Life. #22
@Geoff As I said before don't mix the word GOD with Allah, I rather won't reply more on this topic.
My Blog: http://www.procurity.wordpress.com
Donations: 1HLjiSbnWMpeQU46eUVCrYdbkrtduX7snG


RE: A Lesson For Life. #23
@Geoff As I said before don't mix the word GOD with Allah, I rather won't reply more on this topic.
My Blog: http://www.procurity.wordpress.com
Donations: 1HLjiSbnWMpeQU46eUVCrYdbkrtduX7snG


RE: A Lesson For Life. #24
@Geoff As I said before don't mix the word GOD with Allah, I rather won't reply more on this topic.
My Blog: http://www.procurity.wordpress.com
Donations: 1HLjiSbnWMpeQU46eUVCrYdbkrtduX7snG


RE: A Lesson For Life. #25
Well - the darwin law has not prooved on the science way how a human is evolved.Even if we start at the monkey- how come there is alwais the monkey? - the homan brain has more conection that even the universe -what we see at free eyes has not.The computer has still not reach the instinct and way to interract of a lillte rat,and all the computer in the world connect one to eachother they never reach a human brain.So -remains in the foot the idee that someone , a super -extra Biggrin font of energy has create us and watch us.This thing we call god.No mather if there is jahweh,Allah,Budha, Zeus or whatelse.Every culture have see the miracle that science can explain, and by how they think they give a name. In every us ,we have alot power to brake the montains, we have the power to make all that we wish-on the bible it say -God create the human being as his face.Why not as his brains?
is well known that we use only 10 % of our brain to make our action.Einstein has 14-14 % works functionality brain. So - what make'us special confront to the milion species that they are - karma? - well i alwais think about we have a target to reach on our life,that is to be more good,to love the others , and the most important think to become a human being.I here alot of dirty stuff on the tv - for this reasoni don't think if exist 50% of 6 milliards and half as human being. So the rest- turn back into the chain to become a horse , or what else-an animal? i don't think the karma works-like i don't think that there is a purgatory-how come we have a conscience -a soul that beats untill we give the last breathe? - and the others-animal don't - how come we are capable to feel,to think and give of our think a name-make'it real? becouse we are special,becouse something like a god -call as you wish has create us. Agree whith psicho-coder that the world now is deprecated Biggrin but not all, otherwise how come we think that is like this? - the case of ous could be beautifull to see or not- in the time -we are all the same,we could just say -it was a beautifull man or woman- but the manners,the sex-appeal -have you wonder how come the most beautifull girl in the world are married whithe the most uggly man- becouse of the sex-appeal - the inside beauty - and not all has time and eyes to see.Only for this is hard to understend someone -psicho-coder but maybe it will not be necessairly to understend.We are not some fucking freacking code to crack- we are just we . I alwais was considering by all an uncompressed genius -and i find for alot of time difficuilt to make the friendship- and if i could say i could alwais find a virtual place that "loves me" - and that give me all that i need -but i will now that is a big lies. in this life another think that i learn is the man makes Holy the place- and i have the power to change some people,some that i care,some that i see on the street -an simply smile is enought to give to a sad man ,to make him thinking to goes ahead- a cold hand on how cries, and only to listen someone that have a problem is enought to make holly the place we living. A good word. And this make me think - that whith a smile i complete 10 python code- maybe the esample is not good enought but what i feel is like one feel to compile 10 code.And that is all.
[Image: 4180_gif_by_d53865-d31l0il.gif]

“If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants, men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die...let them say I lived in the time of Achilles...”


RE: A Lesson For Life. #26
Well - the darwin law has not prooved on the science way how a human is evolved.Even if we start at the monkey- how come there is alwais the monkey? - the homan brain has more conection that even the universe -what we see at free eyes has not.The computer has still not reach the instinct and way to interract of a lillte rat,and all the computer in the world connect one to eachother they never reach a human brain.So -remains in the foot the idee that someone , a super -extra Biggrin font of energy has create us and watch us.This thing we call god.No mather if there is jahweh,Allah,Budha, Zeus or whatelse.Every culture have see the miracle that science can explain, and by how they think they give a name. In every us ,we have alot power to brake the montains, we have the power to make all that we wish-on the bible it say -God create the human being as his face.Why not as his brains?
is well known that we use only 10 % of our brain to make our action.Einstein has 14-14 % works functionality brain. So - what make'us special confront to the milion species that they are - karma? - well i alwais think about we have a target to reach on our life,that is to be more good,to love the others , and the most important think to become a human being.I here alot of dirty stuff on the tv - for this reasoni don't think if exist 50% of 6 milliards and half as human being. So the rest- turn back into the chain to become a horse , or what else-an animal? i don't think the karma works-like i don't think that there is a purgatory-how come we have a conscience -a soul that beats untill we give the last breathe? - and the others-animal don't - how come we are capable to feel,to think and give of our think a name-make'it real? becouse we are special,becouse something like a god -call as you wish has create us. Agree whith psicho-coder that the world now is deprecated Biggrin but not all, otherwise how come we think that is like this? - the case of ous could be beautifull to see or not- in the time -we are all the same,we could just say -it was a beautifull man or woman- but the manners,the sex-appeal -have you wonder how come the most beautifull girl in the world are married whithe the most uggly man- becouse of the sex-appeal - the inside beauty - and not all has time and eyes to see.Only for this is hard to understend someone -psicho-coder but maybe it will not be necessairly to understend.We are not some fucking freacking code to crack- we are just we . I alwais was considering by all an uncompressed genius -and i find for alot of time difficuilt to make the friendship- and if i could say i could alwais find a virtual place that "loves me" - and that give me all that i need -but i will now that is a big lies. in this life another think that i learn is the man makes Holy the place- and i have the power to change some people,some that i care,some that i see on the street -an simply smile is enought to give to a sad man ,to make him thinking to goes ahead- a cold hand on how cries, and only to listen someone that have a problem is enought to make holly the place we living. A good word. And this make me think - that whith a smile i complete 10 python code- maybe the esample is not good enought but what i feel is like one feel to compile 10 code.And that is all.
[Image: 4180_gif_by_d53865-d31l0il.gif]

“If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants, men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die...let them say I lived in the time of Achilles...”


RE: A Lesson For Life. #27
Well - the darwin law has not prooved on the science way how a human is evolved.Even if we start at the monkey- how come there is alwais the monkey? - the homan brain has more conection that even the universe -what we see at free eyes has not.The computer has still not reach the instinct and way to interract of a lillte rat,and all the computer in the world connect one to eachother they never reach a human brain.So -remains in the foot the idee that someone , a super -extra Biggrin font of energy has create us and watch us.This thing we call god.No mather if there is jahweh,Allah,Budha, Zeus or whatelse.Every culture have see the miracle that science can explain, and by how they think they give a name. In every us ,we have alot power to brake the montains, we have the power to make all that we wish-on the bible it say -God create the human being as his face.Why not as his brains?
is well known that we use only 10 % of our brain to make our action.Einstein has 14-14 % works functionality brain. So - what make'us special confront to the milion species that they are - karma? - well i alwais think about we have a target to reach on our life,that is to be more good,to love the others , and the most important think to become a human being.I here alot of dirty stuff on the tv - for this reasoni don't think if exist 50% of 6 milliards and half as human being. So the rest- turn back into the chain to become a horse , or what else-an animal? i don't think the karma works-like i don't think that there is a purgatory-how come we have a conscience -a soul that beats untill we give the last breathe? - and the others-animal don't - how come we are capable to feel,to think and give of our think a name-make'it real? becouse we are special,becouse something like a god -call as you wish has create us. Agree whith psicho-coder that the world now is deprecated Biggrin but not all, otherwise how come we think that is like this? - the case of ous could be beautifull to see or not- in the time -we are all the same,we could just say -it was a beautifull man or woman- but the manners,the sex-appeal -have you wonder how come the most beautifull girl in the world are married whithe the most uggly man- becouse of the sex-appeal - the inside beauty - and not all has time and eyes to see.Only for this is hard to understend someone -psicho-coder but maybe it will not be necessairly to understend.We are not some fucking freacking code to crack- we are just we . I alwais was considering by all an uncompressed genius -and i find for alot of time difficuilt to make the friendship- and if i could say i could alwais find a virtual place that "loves me" - and that give me all that i need -but i will now that is a big lies. in this life another think that i learn is the man makes Holy the place- and i have the power to change some people,some that i care,some that i see on the street -an simply smile is enought to give to a sad man ,to make him thinking to goes ahead- a cold hand on how cries, and only to listen someone that have a problem is enought to make holly the place we living. A good word. And this make me think - that whith a smile i complete 10 python code- maybe the esample is not good enought but what i feel is like one feel to compile 10 code.And that is all.
[Image: 4180_gif_by_d53865-d31l0il.gif]

“If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants, men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die...let them say I lived in the time of Achilles...”


RE: A Lesson For Life. #28
@"Geoff" Allah has a deeper meaning than God in Arabic. Both are similar but Allah doesn't exactly fit the meaning of God. Christian Arabs uses both God and Allah in Turkey.
Fuck You.


RE: A Lesson For Life. #29
@"Geoff" Allah has a deeper meaning than God in Arabic. Both are similar but Allah doesn't exactly fit the meaning of God. Christian Arabs uses both God and Allah in Turkey.
Fuck You.


RE: A Lesson For Life. #30
@"Geoff" Allah has a deeper meaning than God in Arabic. Both are similar but Allah doesn't exactly fit the meaning of God. Christian Arabs uses both God and Allah in Turkey.
Fuck You.


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