Keyloggers are small spy programs, that record everything you type on the computer, including documents, emails, user names and passwords.A keylogger functions by grabbing a keystroke, triggered by when the slave presses a key on their keyboard, and saving it to a variable. This process is called "keyboard hooking". It then will take this long variable and send it via a SMTP or FTP server. You can then view these logs.
It can come in many forms, as emails, viruses, Trojan horses; from people who might try to invade your privacy and see what you are typing or steel user names and passwords as you type them.
Find the keylogger you want,download it and then chose your settings. Once you have entered all your information and chosen your settings, click the build button. The builder will create your server.This is what you give to people.you can bind your keylogger to another program or file in order to trick your victim.Most keylogger developers like to include more settings to help ease the user experience. Below is a list of common settings you may find, and what they do:
Icon Changers: This will change your viruses icon without corrupting it like some third party programs can do.
MuteX: MuteX is a unique string that you generate. It helps prevent multiple logs from being sent.
Add to Startup:This will add a registry (or other ways) that will cause your virus to start when the computer is turned on.
Antis: Antis are a feature that help keep your virus on the slaves computer for as long as possible. They disable or stop certain white hat programs such as antiviruses, sandboxie, and keyscramblers from running or removing your file.
Disable CMD/Taskmanager/Registry: This feature will change the registry value for each of these system tools to disable them.
Logging interval:This allows the user to chose how often logs are sent.
Assembly Editing: This allows you to change things found in the properties menu when right clicking a file. This helps it seem more like a real file rather than a virus.
Encrypted user information: This encrtyps your information so that others cannot steal it by decompiling your virus.
A stub is a separate binary that contains special code that is required for the keylogger to function. There are usually two things in a keylogger. The builder and the stub. Some keyloggers will have a stub built in. A builder takes the information and settings you've chosen and merges it with a stub. The stub contains keyhooks and the workings of each feature. These two merge to create your virus, containing all of the information.
Crypting can be very complex, though it isn't necessary for you to know all of this information. So I'll keep things to what you need to know. Crypting involves taking a stub and using that to FUD (or lower your detection rate) your file. The entire process can get a bit confusing. What you do need to know is that crypting can easily corrupt your keylogging sever making it no longer work. A corrupt keylogger may not be detected (the crypter at least did it's job) but it will not send logs making it useless. Because of this you should chose your crypters carefully and it may take a while to find one that works (for free) with your keylogging server. If you are buying a crypter (which I recommend) then be sure to ask the seller to either test or verify your server. In short, crypting is used to lower detection rate, and raise execution rates. That's all you need to know.
You can get free keyscramblers to protect yourself from keyloggers, Antiviruses also help but there are many keyloggers that can bypass all Antiviruses.
First you need to remove the server.exe from startup, if you are using Windows then goto msconfig and then remove any suspicious file from startup list. Or install CCleaner and remove the keylogger from startup.
Then search for that exe on your hardisk and delete it, you might need to use taskmanager to end the process before you can delete it.
Keyloggers are small spy programs, that record everything you type on the computer, including documents, emails, user names and passwords.A keylogger functions by grabbing a keystroke, triggered by when the slave presses a key on their keyboard, and saving it to a variable. This process is called "keyboard hooking". It then will take this long variable and send it via a SMTP or FTP server. You can then view these logs.
It can come in many forms, as emails, viruses, Trojan horses; from people who might try to invade your privacy and see what you are typing or steel user names and passwords as you type them.
Find the keylogger you want,download it and then chose your settings. Once you have entered all your information and chosen your settings, click the build button. The builder will create your server.This is what you give to people.you can bind your keylogger to another program or file in order to trick your victim.Most keylogger developers like to include more settings to help ease the user experience. Below is a list of common settings you may find, and what they do:
Icon Changers: This will change your viruses icon without corrupting it like some third party programs can do.
MuteX: MuteX is a unique string that you generate. It helps prevent multiple logs from being sent.
Add to Startup:This will add a registry (or other ways) that will cause your virus to start when the computer is turned on.
Antis: Antis are a feature that help keep your virus on the slaves computer for as long as possible. They disable or stop certain white hat programs such as antiviruses, sandboxie, and keyscramblers from running or removing your file.
Disable CMD/Taskmanager/Registry: This feature will change the registry value for each of these system tools to disable them.
Logging interval:This allows the user to chose how often logs are sent.
Assembly Editing: This allows you to change things found in the properties menu when right clicking a file. This helps it seem more like a real file rather than a virus.
Encrypted user information: This encrtyps your information so that others cannot steal it by decompiling your virus.
A stub is a separate binary that contains special code that is required for the keylogger to function. There are usually two things in a keylogger. The builder and the stub. Some keyloggers will have a stub built in. A builder takes the information and settings you've chosen and merges it with a stub. The stub contains keyhooks and the workings of each feature. These two merge to create your virus, containing all of the information.
Crypting can be very complex, though it isn't necessary for you to know all of this information. So I'll keep things to what you need to know. Crypting involves taking a stub and using that to FUD (or lower your detection rate) your file. The entire process can get a bit confusing. What you do need to know is that crypting can easily corrupt your keylogging sever making it no longer work. A corrupt keylogger may not be detected (the crypter at least did it's job) but it will not send logs making it useless. Because of this you should chose your crypters carefully and it may take a while to find one that works (for free) with your keylogging server. If you are buying a crypter (which I recommend) then be sure to ask the seller to either test or verify your server. In short, crypting is used to lower detection rate, and raise execution rates. That's all you need to know.
You can get free keyscramblers to protect yourself from keyloggers, Antiviruses also help but there are many keyloggers that can bypass all Antiviruses.
First you need to remove the server.exe from startup, if you are using Windows then goto msconfig and then remove any suspicious file from startup list. Or install CCleaner and remove the keylogger from startup.
Then search for that exe on your hardisk and delete it, you might need to use taskmanager to end the process before you can delete it.