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[1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. filter_list
[1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #1
1000 Post Milestone

I would just like to first say I've posted this thread to say thanks to CreativeGaming in giving me a spot to post my thoughts, feelings, and other things that come up. I've made this thread in honor of me reaching 1000 posts and I know I don't post a lot of milestones all the time but this is I feel was something so awesome I had to make a milestone about it. Please note this is a feedback and milestone thread so what you read down below are my honest opinions and other things and i'll also post some shout outs. Also happy to be the fisrt to reach 1000.

I would also like to throw out a special thanks to MxRE for allowing me to co-lead such an awesome group with him and all of the other group leaders for giving me a spot to relate to other people or just help people in general. I guess i'll start my feedback and story I suppose.

I started out on this forum the 21st of last month and I did some pretty amazing things (at least in my mind anyway) within that time frame. I first joined this forum knowing the owner that was behind ForumJunkies owned it so I knew it would be run right. At first I will admit I was iffy about joining another forum by the same owner because of what happened but i'm glad I've puttin my faith into him again because it hasn't let me down. My first day on I went and checked out the award page just to see what we had so I made a video for the Youtube Award than I seen the youtube+ award so I created another video ruffly 3 minutes long to achieve that and it was the first award I've received. After two days on this forum I had already been established into a few groups, and had around a 250 post per day average which I thought was pretty crazy. I than later started getting more interested into the community its self, and a big motivator for me to post were the Veteran Award and Star Poster i just thought when I seen them they were something that I needed. After that I decided I would make some avatars for the forums and I did which got accepted as official avatars so I was pretty pumped for that. I also started helping Chris out more with some graphics for his tiny icons around the forums and others and I eventually received the Graphic Master award so that was a big point for my time here as well.

Now if we fast forward a bit in I was later on this forum promoted to The Brotherhood and it's been a great time while I was in the group it has good people in it and it's a very fun community to be a part of and it's run wonderfully. I love helping people around the forum and posting here in general so I don't plan on stopping any time soon. Now lets get on to the feedback part of this thread as I don't want it to go to long.

[I will edit this thread later with the feedback]


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #2
I also reached 1k posts, I love it. <3


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #3
Congratz on 1000 post, I remember when I was top post. Such long time ago Smile


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #4
Thanks for the shoutout mate, means a lot.

Anyway, good read. I agree, you've reached 1000 posts so quickly. Hardly any of your posts have been LQ/spam either which is outstanding Smile


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #5
Nice job buddy! I'll race you to 2000.


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #6
Thanks for the posts guys.

I plan to update this or maybe just post another thread with my feedback for everyone.


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #7
Congratulations, such a quick time period in which you got 1000 posts, well done! What's the next target? 10,000?


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #8
Grats on 1000 posts! Very amazing contributor to CG.

Here's to another 1000 posts. : D
Here to help! - Need anything, pm me.
I can also make graphics for anyone, pm me.
Call me Uncle Spire.


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #9
(03-02-2013, 06:28 PM)The Specialist Wrote: Congratulations, such a quick time period in which you got 1000 posts, well done! What's the next target? 10,000?

We'll see that's a long ways away yet.

I hope to see what the future has in-store for me on this forum though.


RE: [1000 post] Story and soon to be feedback. #10
Congratulations on 1k bro, and the fact that you're the first to reach it...my god!

And how the fuck did google go up like 200 posts in a day? : o


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