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10 "virus" and "prank" scripts filter_list
RE: 10 "virus" and "prank" scripts #11
Yeah,all codes are done in notepad .


RE: 10 "virus" and "prank" scripts #12
The VBS ones are pretty good, I'll admit. But like @"XrpmX13" said, the batch ones kinda suck.
A good one for batch is:
@echo off
title lololol
mode con cols=30 lines=4
color 04
echo I want to play a game...
call lololol.bat
goto a
Just save as 'lololol.bat' and watch the magic happen :troll:
It's often the outcasts, the iconoclasts ... those who have the least to lose because they
don't have much in the first place, who feel the new currents and ride them the farthest.


RE: 10 "virus" and "prank" scripts #13
Hahaha nice sharing pal.. Most of us forgot about this prank...


RE: 10 "virus" and "prank" scripts #14
Haha, I remember these. If you wish I can develop something to write these for you. Just compile a list of things you would like for it to do and I can make it pretty Wink


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